Honor, Valor, Courage, Strength, Justice, Loyalty & Respect

Ice Giant Report 

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   The storm swirled about them as they gathered round the fire in the frozen north tundra of Everfrost. Giledenare with his mighty axe that most would be hard pressed to wield. A perpetual smile upon his face as he devoured the evening meal. Bamor the secretive elusive cousin to the clan. His eyes darting to and fro but always coming back to rest on a shiny bauble where ever it may lay. Zisikilpus a mage of some renown or he would have others think. He is a gnome with a great sense of humor he is merely to short. Otherwise he would be welcome amongst the wolves of the north. Perhaps he came to these lands of my ancestors to prove his metal.
    The mysterious Angelkim and her equally odd ways. A human who divines the meaning of nature through her majicks. Nommad busied himself trying to prepare a meal for the whole party but was hard pressed to keep up with the appetites of those all in attendance. Lionoh just sat there as if in deep concentration his thoughts seemed to be far away. It was if he had a portent or vision of things to come. What ever it was I felt this group of trusted adventurers would survive the ill omen.
    Bamor as was his want, was up to his tricks of mischief. He would don the many different masks he has collected to both amuse and provide entertainment to us.
    Angelkim was perhaps in a serious light during all this amusement which in itself is perhaps what saved us that fateful eve. Her senses had reached out and divined the existence of imminent danger. While we all sat or laid around the fire regaling Bamor and his masks or chaffing Zisi on his size she kept a wary eye out.
    Casually I looked over towards Angelkim and for a moment was able to divine her true nature. She stood there in the form of a great wolf. Proud strong and obviously angry about something. The fur at the base of her neck stood on end as she muttered a warning before the most feared beast of these lands was amongst us.
    What I remember most about this encounter is the absolute cold that followed as the Ice Giant blithely threw me across the camp. I rolled in a daze barely discerning that already Giledenare and Bamor had leaped at the giant to try and draw it away from the party. Angelkim started calling on the spirits of nature to do her bidding and it had an immediate effect upon the creature. His movements were slowed as he approached us yet again. Having thrown Giledenare to the side as if a rag doll. Zisi the demure called forth a burst of fire. The tendrils of magic mixed with the embers of the campfire to unleash upon the giant a blazing inferno. The energy and flames and heat expended itself fully upon the giant. Leaving behind a small melting opening on the giants chest.
    I shook my head and hobbled to my feet. The giant was coming directly for me. I quickly sought out the frenzied familiar and begged him to my aid. Before long there were two mighty wolves in the fray as the spirit of Angelkim fought beside my familiar. The giant dismissed these as a mere nuisance and knocked me further from the camp. As I rolled along I felt the ribs crack and tasted the blood in my mouth. Nommad had already begun an unfamiliar chant taking no heed to his safety as he called on the healing elements of the earth. I was surrounded by a glow that emanated from the earth itself that staved off the killing blow the giant was intent to deliver. His next blow sent me tumbling head over feet to lay prostrate in the snow. Barely able to move I resigned myself to the Tribunal's judgement. 
    As I laid there in a daze I could not realize that Bamor had snuck in behind the beast and found a soft spot in his icy armor. He planted his rapier firmly in the soft underside of the beast. It let out a roar of agony as the fiery property of his rapier expended its energies within him. Zisi and Angelkim both unleashed even more powerful majicks upon the now mortally wounded foe. Zisi summoned forth an element of fire from the ash of our campfire. The fiery apparition left melting wounds all over the beast.
   Giledenare in not much better shape than I entered the fray again. Wielding a sword in each hand as he frothed at the mouth, caught up in a beserker rage. His tempest tore great rents in the icy exterior of the giant. He spent his fury in a mad gamble to fell the beast or to be killed himself. 
    The assault upon the creature did not last much longer. The inferno of the element of fire, the two great wolves, and Bamor's constant stings soon had the giant upon its knees. It was reeling from the constant blows rained upon it by the group. Giledenare in his fury was relentless as his energies started paying off as he dodged the blows being rained down by the giant. In one final thrust of rage anger and pain he buried his swords to the hilt firmly in the chest of the creature. As the creature fell so did I succumb to the pain of my wounds. I passed out in the snow with a smile of pride and victory on my face.