Honor, Valor, Courage, Strength, Justice, Loyalty & Respect

The Ice Giant Revisited 

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The snow storm howled about the intrepid party as they made their way across the icy plateau. The temperatures were falling to the even more chilly as they trudged onward in this strange new land. He clasps his cloak tighter about him as he looks around to his companions. There stands Andred the dark.
     Mighty in his arts that so match the necromancy of Raljah also present. His form is an assault on the senses as he mirrors the shape of nightmares given form. Raljah he judges is not one to cross but he rues the day when the Tribunal may judge it otherwise. 
         Aillianea his judged, leads the group through the snow. He smiles inwardly to himself as he watches her develop before his eyes. Growing stronger day in and day out in her abilities and prowess. Right behind her marches the elusive Noele. A curiosity in her appearance. Usually her appearance presages a dark foreboding that she is quick to help extinguish. Though not as learned or skilled as Galane her instincts have proven more often than not to be correct.
     Galane shepherding the whole group along. Offering counsel and insights to those of us who aspire to be his equal.
         Throughout this group there was much quiet. It was if the Tribunal had judged them to listen to the forces at work about them. These mountains and regions are known for the fierce dire wolves and dreaded frost giants. Raljah would argue as is his way that there is nothing fierce or dreaded save perhaps certain dragon kind. I merely shake my head and remember when he lay there broken and bleeding almost all life gone when the Tribunal judged him worthy to be saved and bestowed the majicks upon me to heal him.
         As we trudged along Galane brought us all to a halt. I turned to say something but he hushed us as he stared off far away seeing something impending bearing down upon us. He did not immediately say anything but I heard a shout and the whisper of a bow. Turning I saw my mate unleash an arrow into the distance. It flew straight and true. Unfortunately Aillianea's arrow just served to further enrage the frost giant as it bore down upon us.
         Things happened quickly after that. Aillianea dropped her bow and drew forth her sword, a mighty two handed affair that was nearly as long as she is tall.
     Raljah and Andred immediately filled the air with incantations that filled the air with muffled screams as if from trapped souls. Much to my horror an apparition appeared at Android's side. The bones still showing rotting strips of flesh and sinew as it moved in a ghastly echo of its master. The both charged into the fray with Aillianea. The unnerving cackling of that undead beast still fills my ears.
         I immediately sent my senses out trying to locate the frenzied familiar that is mine to command. The Tribunal has judged me worthy of this gift and soon Xenobar was at my side and gone into the fray with the giant. I caught a movement to my side and turned thinking perhaps we were beset by another giant. I was not prepared for what was before me. Raljah if anything looked more emaciated than before but he was not caused my blood to freeze in my veins. He
had summoned a horror to his side that very much resembled the abominations permeating the Oasis of Antonica. It was headed towards the giant as well but stopped a moment to stare at me. Its skeletal visage barely visible from within its dark hood but the eyes. The eyes transfixed me for but a moment and in that time I was scared for my immortal soul.
         I turned away to not look upon that foul creature as it made its way to the giant. Galane was summoning the forces of nature to his aid. A great swarm of insects answered his call and immediately fell upon the giant as it dodged the sure blades of Andred and Aillianea. Both were oblivious as Raljah's conjuration entered the fray dealing death and mayhem to the giant.
         The giant bleeding from many wounds inflicted by all turned to run. It did not go far before the vision of death itself rose about the creature as it cast some dark spell upon the giant. The creature not only was death itself it had access to some of the dark arts that Andred and Raljah possessed. 
        As quickly as it had started it was over. The giant lay there a bloody mess upon the snows. The crimson stains testament to its last gasp for life and refuge. Aillianea placed her sword point down upon the ground and rested upon the pommel.  Andred looked to his skeletal warrior and it immediately collapsed into a heap upon the ground. I turned from this scene to look back at Raljah. I watched his creature come back to his side and stand there. I felt the creatures gaze on my back as I hurried forward to help Noele tend the wounds of Aillianea and Andred.