Honor, Valor, Courage, Strength, Justice, Loyalty & Respect

An Important Message Concerning the Future of Nox 


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Greetings all it has been an interesting week and a
smooth one.  I would like to take the time to thank
everyone for a very smooth transition period.

I would also like you all to thank Nommad for his time
and effort on this site and baord.  As you all know
Giledenare has been working on the Alliance between
Nox and The Norrath Elite Guard this is now a reality,
and I think it will work well for all of us.  I spent
some time with those folks over in the arena the other
night at one of their events. They are a very likable
lot and although they are a younger guild they will
open up hunting options for some of our younger
members, I urge you all to get to know them.

As you all know their have been some changes in how we
do business lately, Shortly we will be posting on the
site the new member policy and some guidelines, I.E.
Code of Conduct, policies for disputes with other
guilds, Events, and other unsundry lil details.. :).  

I would also like input from every one on how you are
felling about the guild and any ideas that you have to
help us improve the way we do business in the guild to
make it a better place for all. I do not feel that we
need to become an Uber guild we need to become a close
guild, and with that we will become an Uber guild in
time capable of doing all the raids and getting all
the Phat lewtz.  I would like for now though our focus
to be on each other.  I still work on the belief that
we are a family oriented guild and would like that to
be our primary focus for now.  Be sure to HELP one
another whenever possible. We all have strong ties and
friends amongst one another.  

I want to remind you all of the Golden Rule Of Nox, 


Raljah and Bamor have taken over as event
coordinators, if you have any suggestions or ideas for
events please contact them with your input Bamor is in
charge of events for pre-40th levels and Raljah is in
charge fo the upper lvls.

Lastly, I would like you all to know that if you feel
we are not moving in the direction you think, or you
have something you need to get of your chest or even a
dispute, Please feel free to contact me, or Galane he
still the second in command, and is a wonderful source
of information and advice, and will also assist you
with anything.   Let us, or any of the officers for
that matter know. We are more then hapy to do this for
all of you.  

You are all my friends, and I want this to be a guild
that you feel that you are a part of.  So please do
not let things get to a boiling point say something to
myself or one of the other officers, we are more then
happy to help you.  the roster is up on the web site
and Nommad will be liknking it to email adresses so
you can even use that route. 

Again Thank-you all for your warm reception of me as
your new Chief and I hope that I can move us in the
direction we all would like to go.  Your comments and
help with all matters is greatly appreciated.