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NeverQuest Manual

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NeverQuest is a work in progress. More of a Learning exercise in Visual Basic that
has gotten out of control. 8)

NeverQuest is a "click" game with both buttons and some graphics being clickable.
(Click the graphic in towns to clear any dialog, enable the Travel Buttons etc.)

In Towns:

RUMORS to get an idea of what to do next.
GUILD HALL to Talk to Guild Members and the Guild Leader. 
QUEST to know if you've triggered a Quest in the Area and what it might be. 
CHURCH/TEMPLE to Pray, Refresh Your Health and Spirit.

The Travel and Encounter Screens are combined with the Control Buttons becoming
Visible and Enabled depending upon your Class and the Situation.


The choices will be obvious, continue to your destination or TURN AROUND and return
to your last destination. (With a HUD showing your destination and how far you are
from your Last Destination or Bind Point.... You "Auto Bind" when ever you reach a new town.) 

Traveling to a New Place always takes Longer (more clicks) than
Returning to your Last Location "Strides from: (Location)". 
A Rogue travels fastest, followed by a Ranger, Wizard, then Warrior... but you'll get Journeyman's
boots later on in the game that will significantly increase your travel speed. 

You slowly regenerate hit points, mana points, and ability points as you travel, but if
you REST you'll regenerate them alot faster, thou there is still a chance your
resting will be interupted by an Encounter.


Range is a Critical Factor in every Encounter, so be careful not to be clicking so
fast when you're traveling that you run yourself right up to the MOB when you hit
an Encounter. 

An Encounter can begin with the Range to the MOB from 100 yards to 0 yards. 
Attack, Ranged Attack, Spells, and Abilities become available depending upon the Encounter Situation and Character Class. 
The MOB is not visible beyond 80 yards and must be visible for any ranged attack or spell. 
At 60 yards the MOB's BASE stats become known until the end of the Encounter. 
At 30 yards there is a slight chance the MOB will Lunge toward you and try and strike. 
At 0 yards Ranged Attack is not Possible but a Wizard can still cast a spell. 
You can RETREAT at any time....
but the MOB will chase you until you are more than 120 yards away from it.

DEFEND gives a small AC bonus when attacking and can be used to let the MOB move
toward you (like when they're not yet visible). 
Warriors AUTO DEFEND when attacking. 
If a Warrior is BEZERK, DEFEND will cancel it.
If a Rogue uses his EVADE ability he Must use DEFEND for it to take effect.


BEZERK gives a 1 Round Bonus to the Warrior's Melee Attack and Defense. 
POISON gives a 1 Round Bonus to the Rogue's Ranged and Melee Attack. 
EVADE gives the Rogue a chance to put distance between himself and the MOB. 
DEAD EYE gives the Ranger a 1 round Bonus with his Ranged Attack.


Red adds Health Points 
Blue adds Mana Points 
Green adds Ability Points 
Black makes a MOB run away in Fear

The ShopKeeper will automatically buy any potions you might find that you cannot
use unless you are a Ranger who can use all the different potions.

View Stats / Level Up:

You can View your stats at anytime with this button, but can only Save your Game if
you are in a town. If a Level Up is Available the button will say Level Up and the
next time you view your stats (Even in the Middle of a Fight) you'll gain a level
and all your hp, mp, and abi points will be filled to thier new MAX.


Level Ups come really fast and as you get stronger so do the MOBs. 
The Store Items will also get more expensive as you Gain Levels. 
So sometimes it's better to save a Level Up for a Critical Moment like when you are 
low on Health, Mana, or Ability Points.... or you're trying to save up gold to buy an item.

Druid Rings are the Safest Spots to Rest and when New Areas are added you'll be able
to buy ports at them to other Druid Rings.
