Honor, Valor, Courage, Strength, Justice, Loyalty & Respect

Archives of Nox Raids and Events

Nox News - Nox Forums - Nox Calendar

For current Raids and Event or to post an idea you might have for a Raid or an Event use the Nox Forums and Calendar.
This is meant to grow as a History or Chronology of past Events not only as a Tribute to Nox and it's members but (if enough people get involoved) a way to keep track of what we did wrong and what we did right... so when we return we can learn from our mistakes and successes!.

This has grown quite a bit over the last year, but make no mistake it doesn't list all the impromtu events / raids / hunts of The Nox... the spontaneous events can be as much fun if not more fun than something we've tried to plan and more often than not will never make it to these archives... .

Screen Shots Raids & Events Details
Set 1
Set 2
--5/24/02 City of Mist
--1/4/03 Galane gets Jade Reaver for Druid Epic
Before / After
Set 1 --3/1/02: Chardock: Royal Rumble with UA and Friends Comments:
Before / After
Set 1
Set 2
--1/13/02: Plane of Hate with UA Comments:
Before / After
Set 1 --11/10/01: Sarnak Fort Comments:
Before / After
--10/6/01: Hunt in Chardock Comments:
Before / After
--9/22/01: Sirens Grotto Comments:
Before / After
--9/8/01: Castle Mistmoore Comments:
Before / After
Set 1 --8/18/01:Raid on Solusek's Eye (Sol A) Comments:
Before / After
Set 1
Set 2
--12/21/01: Zisikpus gets a piece of his Epic
--11/16/01: Spur of the Moment Raid
--10/27/01: Angelkim gets a piece of her Epic
--10/20/01: Bamor gets the Last Piece of his Epic
--8/11/01: Return to Kedge Keep
--8/4/01: Kedge Raid part 2
--7/28/01: Nox Raid on Kedge Keep
Before / After / Kedge II
Underwater Hell
Looting in Nox Raids
Lessons Learned
--7/14/01: Joint Nox/NEG Raid on Runnyeye Comments: 
Before / After
--6/30/01: Nox Raid on Tower of Frozen Shadow Comments:
Before / After
-- Nox Raid on Sol B (Nagafen's Lair)
Set 1 --10/19/01: Epic Battle with the General
--Kithicor Carnival
Before / After
Epic Battles
-- Raid on Casic-Thule
-- Raid on Unrest
Submit additions via e-mail here.
