Honor, Valor, Courage, Strength, Justice, Loyalty & Respect |
Rathe: Prelude |
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The morning sun broke over the hills. The brilliance
illuminating the small camp and the busy figures there. The gypsy camp
was a sieve of activity as the women folk
scolded the children round the fire. They each and every one were preparing their daily wares for sale to the travelers of this path through the Rathe mountains. Throwing aside the blanket Kelorf rises and stretches taking in the morning smells around him. The fresh meat roasting on the spit as the meal simmered in a iron pan. Walking behind the wagons away from the camp he finds a suitable spot to relieve himself. He winces from the aches and pains of accrued campaigns through the years. Returning to his sleeping covers and rucksacks he is a bit surprised to find a elven maiden in gold. The armor caught the glint of the morning sun and he had to squint to look upon her. She was comely in her own way he would imagine but not so comely as to merit his immediate attention. With indifference he rolled his blankets up and sat down to oil his weapons and armor. The elf maiden stood by impassively as is her kinds want. They are almost immortal in their lifespan and have a different view that is unnatural to his way of thinking. He is more concerned with the here and now not some far off time yet to come. No if he wishes to bed a woman or drink his fill the gods be damned if they get in his way or try to make reason out of what will be or more importantly, what could be. He looked up at her smallish features outlined in gold and smiled then returned to his task of upkeep on his armor and weapons. Salenea stood there barely taking note of the barbarian and his ministrations. She looked about her at the glory of Tunare's touch upon the land. The rolling green hills and lush vegetation and this scar of a gypsy camp upon Tunare's glory. She patiently waited sparing a glance towards the barbarian now and again to recognize even this vile and uncivilized beast was worthy of Tunare's love. Kegwen entered through the pass from Lake Rathe scouting out the passage before bringing the Lady Salenea through. He has learned in his short life to expect danger at every turn. Be it from the hostile creatures that inhabit these lands or from the common men and women who shun him because of his heritage. He has wrestled with that legacy bestowed upon him by a bandit raid. His own kind look upon him with indifference and the common men and women shun him as tainted by an unnatural union. The Lady Salenea was different though. She accepted him as an equal. For that he would do most anything for her. Inching on his stomach to the lip of the cliff face he peered over into the pass. There he spied a individual passing through as fast as the wolf. He was intrigued by this ability as he slowly backed away to try and cut this person off. The dress of the individual suggested he was of the mythical cult of the druids. If this was so he would prove an invaluable ally to him and the Lady Salenea in the future. Kelorf satisfied with the morning chores of cleaning and honing his weapons donned his armor. It was mostly a mixed set of armor. His gauntlets were huge riveted affairs with a bluish tint that contrasted sharply with the rusty colored bracers. His armor for the most part was varying degrees of pieced together leather with a bit of plate here and there. Adjusting his packs he placed the gleaming blade of his sword close to hand. He stood up to leave then with a whispery almost fairy voice of the golden garbed elf maiden spoke. "Warrior of Soulosek I would ask of you a boon." He stopped short and turned his head to look at her. She had a vision from Tunare of a evil beast that would beset them. She did not think that herself and Kegwen could handle the trek so she put aside any distaste she may have felt for this uncivilized warrior to ask his help. "I travel a long journey to the Lake of Rathe, would you find it in your code of conduct to see me and my companion through the pass?" Turning more fully to face her a grin splayed across his features. He looked at her rather blatantly as he scanned her from head to toe. He muttered to himself that she needs more meat on her bones and she might pass for a real woman. He could tell by her reaction that she had heard as was intended. Clearing his throat he crossed his arms and with a hearty laugh "Woman what is this code you speak of? I am a warrior of the North. I have braved the frozen steppes and seen things that would cause you to run in fear. I have no code except the code of coin." Taken somewhat aback by his uncivilized manner she never-the-less stood her ground. "If it is coin you wish barbarian then coin you shall have. The good man Kegwen and I are on a mission. A mission that would perhaps better you and your kind." He cocked his head to the side and regarded her defiance. He was a bit impressed by her even though she needed more meat on her bones to be a real woman. "Ok whatever the mission is I am your man. You pay me in coin and I will get you where you need to go. Now you may get that pretty armor dirty and perhaps a bit bloodied." Kegwen returned to the gypsy camp with the Druid Nommad in tow. Salenea conferred with the good man and informed him of bringing the barbarian along. Kegwen looked at the surly warrior and was distraught. Kelorf tilted his head back and quickly downed a flask of Ogre swill. Burping loudly he looked back at all the elves and thought to himself this is going to be fun! |