from an EQ strategies message base
Info on RunnyEye:
For starters this dungeon did not
get any easier. In my opinion it got harder.
There are a lot more wondering
goblins and sporali. I will break this down by
floor to the best of my ability.
Floor 1:
Pretty good for low levels a few
wondering goblins and some standard spawn areas
make this area nice for low levels.
I can not say which levels it is best for
since nothing on this floor agros
on me. The dangers are simple several MOBS and
a few casters that have some nice
damage spells (highest I have seen is 50+).
Plus the majority of the MOBS have
damage shields.
Floor 2:
This floor is much harder now then
the old Runney. Yes they removed the EEs from
this floor so nothing way to high
to mess with you. Most things appear to be
around 16 - 20(odd to find something
20, but has happened). The real danger is
the number of goblins on this floor
and the combination of classes. They have
wizards, enchanters, shamens, warriors
and rogues. I have been hit by a wizard(
I think they are Fleshburners)
for 100+ damage. Have not spent much time on this
floor since everything is green
to me. Blackened Iron Armor drops of the
ArrowEaters and Bladestoppers.
Most rooms contain up to 4 goblins plus there are
always wonders. Occasionally a
sporali will wonder around this floor also. The
sporali will not agro on you right
away. They should con dubious to you at
first. If you kill a few this will
change of course.
If you want to venture down to the
second floor, I recommend using the blocked
stairs not the long ramp. The blocked
stairs lead to the room that use to have
the EE siting in it. If you go
down the long ramp you could be in for a huge
fight with all the MOBS that move
around that area.
Floor 3: The home of Sporali or
as I like to call them shroomheads. These guys
are pretty tough and seem to be
around level 18 - 22. The hardest being the
defender that hits for 50+. There
is also the named sporali the moldmaster. He
is a caster, not sure what type
but would say Shamen class. He is very tough,
not sure of what level though.
Sporali are great exp but they dont drop good
loot. You will get some high quality
ore and gems but not often. They do drop a
nice caster shield on occasion
too. The Sporali defenders blade can be found on
the Moldmaster or a defender on
A few things to note about the Sporali:
1 -- They regenerate faster than
average. 2 -- When they die the leave some
seeds on occasion. These turn into
little Sporali that will jump you in a fight.
They do not have a lot of hp but
hit hard. If you stay in one area and fight for
some time, you will have like 5
of these pop at once and be on you.
Floor 4:
This is where the good loot is.
Like level 2 they have several classes out there
but are much harder. Every room
seems to have 3 - 5 spawns in it + there are
wondering mobs. The casters hit
hard and fast the worst being the Slayspell.
This guy ripped of 3 spells on
me each doing 175 damage. There are the Zekspeak
which are shamans and they hit
hard too but nothing compared to the slayspell. I
have not run into an enchanter
on this floor.
The Rogue class is represented by
the Foeslicer and loves nothing better then to
Backstab you for 150+ damage, so
dont turn your back on him.
The warrior class is represented
by the Foechopper (lowest level) then the
Destroyer and the Vets. These guys
all drop BA armor. It is a very rare drop off
of the Foechopper and not a common
drop off the destroyer or vets. The destroyer
and vet also drop the BA longsword
and Bastard Sword, but these are also rare.
Most of these goblins have some
plat, have gotten 5 plat off of one before. They
drop alot of words too.
The Battlelord, Battlewizard, Lord
Picklaw all have random spawns so they can
not be camped and can not be avoided.
Just a note all the the casters
can cast through walls around corners and out of
If you go and are 18 - 22 take friends,
hunt level 2 and 3. Run like hell if you
get 2 or more casters on you. 23
- 28 can partner pretty easy if there are
others in the zone and on the same
floor. You want to hunt level 4 and depending
on your group and levels avoid
the Battlewizard. His spells are up to 250
damage. After 28 I would say most
things, except names, will be green. So that
is your choice as to what to fight.
At level 25 nothing on the 2 floor
gave me exp. The 3rd floor was all light blue
and some greens. The 4th floor
is all blue except the named spawns that are all
red. Battlelord is yellow at 26.
Hope this helps someone.