Honor, Valor, Courage, Strength, Justice, Loyalty & Respect

The Seven Shawls Quest

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I've taken the Quest for the Seven Shawls from Allakazam's Website and put them here in a collection that is much easier to read (and in order from first to last)for the convience of all NOX members and friends. Thank You Allakazam!

Frost Giant Toes (Normal): This is the first Prayer Shawl Quest.

Go to Loremaster Borannin in Thurgadin and say "I seek to perform duties for the crown." or something like that. The Grand Historian next to him will tell you what to say to him if you hail him. Borannin will ask you to bring back to him four frost giant toes. Frost giant toes seem to drop randomly of all frost giants. Giving him the toes results in faction changes (+Coldain, +DainFrostreaverIV, -Kromzek, -Kromrif) and a Burlap Coldain Prayer Shawl. He says to bring the shawl back to him in one months time and he will have more for you to do, so this is probably the start of a quest series. Reward: Burlap Coldain Prayer Shawl

Kromrif Heads (Normal): This is the second Prayer Shawl Quest. You must first do the Frost Giant Toes Quest.

If you then ask What Tasks? the following conversation ensues:

You say, 'What task'

Loremaster Borannin says 'Every year the Dain replaces the trophies in his trophy room. There is a reward given for the best new trophy obtained. I intend to win this year and I will upgrade your prayer shawl for assisting me. Fill this box with ten Kromrif heads and bring me the combined contents along with the burlap shawl. I will submit the best one for the Dains consideration. 

He then gives you a Preservationists Box. Fill the box with 10 Kromrif Heads and hit combine to make a box of Preserved Kromrif Heads. Then give Borannin Preserved Kromrif Heads box along with Burlap Coldain Prayer Shawl.

Loremaster Borannin says 'Ahh, some fine specimens indeed, Devastation. I will have the best of these mounted at once, wish me luck in the contest! Before I forget, here is the Cloth Prayer Shawl of our people. Before long I will have yet another [chore] for you to complete. Be sure to keep checking.

Your faction standing with Coldain got better
Your faction standing with DainFrostreaverIV got better
Your faction standing with Kromzek got worse 
Your faction standing with Kromrif got worse
You gain experience!!

You receive the Cloth Coldain Prayer shawl.

You can then proceed to the next chore. Reward: Cloth Coldain Prayer Shawl

Feeding the Coldain (Normal): This is the third Prayer Shaw Quest. You must do the first two before doing this. Ask Borannin "What chore?" and he will start you on the third quest.

Loremaster Borannin says 'Ahh, some fine specimens indeed, Dyllwin . I will have the best of these mounted at once, wish me luck in the contest! Here is the Cloth Prayer Shawl of our people. Before I forget, the council has issued yet another [chore] for you to complete. 
Your faction standing with Coldain got better
Your faction standing with DainFrostreaverIV got better
Your faction standing with Kromzek got worse
Your faction standing with Kromrif got worse
You gain experience!!

You say, 'What chore?'

Loremaster Borannin says 'The council agrees that you have demonstrated a disdain for our enemy, the Kromrif, that rivals our own. They now ask that you demonstrate your loyalty to the Dain by humbling yourself and serving our people. Give this, my seal, to Mordrin. He will instruct you further. 

Borannin tells you to go to Mordrin, but that is a typo, he really means Mordin, the guy in the butcher shop.

You say, 'hail Mordin Frostcleaver'

Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Ah, hello there, and welcome to me shop, Halfling. Ye'll have to excuse the mess but I've been havin a bloody good time here lately. . . HAR HAR, ye get it? Anyways, thanks to you offlanders I now have a selection of some exotic meats never afore seen here on Velious. In addition to supplyin' the freshest meat in Thurgadin I also offer tasks to would-be hunters in the wastes. 

I gave Mordin Borannin's seal and he said the following.

Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Hullo Dyllwin , I see you've signed on for a bit of food service eh? Well we can always use an extra pair a hands here dat's fer sure. First things first, warsh yer grubby mitts an cook up dinner fer good ol Leif. Shouldn be too tough fer ye, he has simple enough taste. Make him a Tundrabear sandwich an lemme know when he's been fed. Dontcha ferget ta give him this with his meal. 
Your faction standing with Coldain got better
Your faction standing with DainFrostreaverIV got better
Your faction standing with Kromzek got worse
Your faction standing with Kromrif got worse
You gain experience!!

He gives you a napkin named "Leif's Napkin" is No Drop.

You say, 'What is a Tundrabear Sandwich?'

Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Dat's easy, ye just take a slab a dat Tundra Kodiak meat and a jug a sauce, put it in da oven, den combine the product with a loaf a bread in a mixin bowl an there ye be. 

Get a Tundra Kodiak meat, put it in oven with sauce and make "Saucy Kodiak Meat" (name?). Put your creation in a mixing bowl with one loaf of bread, which Mordin sells, and combine. If your skill is high enough you get the sandwich. Turn this in to Guard Leif with the napkin and get a "Used Napkin" back. It is also No Drop.

Give the used napkin to Mordin and get the next part of the quest. He needs you to make some Snow Bunny Stew for Trita Coldheart (name?). You get "Trita's Napkin" (No Drop).

You say, 'What is Snow Bunny Stew'

Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Simple enuff, getcherself two hunksa Bunny meat and a jug a sauces. Stir 'em in a mixin bowl, then put spices and two flasks a water with it and cook it in a pot. Mmmm, zesty! 

The tough part here is finding a mixing bowl. I searched several cities including Thurgadin for a mixing bowl or even a mixing bowl sketch or mold. I finally found one in a shop in North Freeport near the bank. I don't recall the shop name though :(

Once you mix the ingredients in the bowl and get your "Saucy Rabbit"(name?) you put that, one spice, 2 flasks of water and a pot into the oven to make the stew. The pot can be made with the smithing skill, and maybe even pottery, although I hadn't worked on that at this point.

I gave the stew to Trita with the Napkin and received a dirty pot in return. I gave that back to Mordin and was given the next part of the quest.

Next you need to createan Ulthork Meat Pie for Brita. You receive Brita's napkin, No Drop.

You say, 'What is Ulthork Meat Pie?'

Mordin Frostcleaver says 'Hmm, lemme look that one up. Been awhile since I made one. Here we are, two Ulthork meats, a vinegar and a spices in a mixin bowl. Put yer meat mix, a clump a dough, an a pie tin in da oven an yer good ta go. 

This requires 2 Ulthork meat, and the problem here is that if you're not careful you will eat the meat. Most of the items you need to collect or make are edible. I know the kodiak meat and bunny meat do not get eaten, but everything else seems to disappear if not below your food in your inventory. I could not find any snake eggs in Thurgadin for the clump of dough, so I ported to Misty Thicket to get them. The pie tin is another stumbling block here unless you are good at smithing and pottery, or you have a friend who is. To smith the Pie Tin you first need to make a ceramic lining, so your pottery has to be trained somewhat. I had relatively good success with a 25 pottery, whereas my smithing is in the low 100's and I don't think the pie tin is trivial to me yet. Luckily the pie tin, and the pot in the previous step, are regular items that anyone can craft and give to you if you lack the proper skills.

Turn the pie and the napkin in to Loremaster Brita in the back of the Library and receive a dirty pie tin which you take back to Mordin for the final step in this quest.

The final task is to create a Snow Griffin Souffle. The person you are making this for is none other than the Grand Historian Thoridain himself, so it has to be made well. I have worked my baking up to 115, and I don't remember the souffle being trivial to me.

You say, 'What is Snow Griffin Souffle?'

Mordin Frostcleaver says 'This one's a bit tricky, ya toss four snow griffin eggs and a pack of spices in de oven. Ye must bake it just right or it's all gunna be wasted. When yer done bring it to Thoridain and if ye did it right he'll give ye his special seal. Just show Borannin that seal and yer shawl and he'll know that yer finished in the kitchen. 

So now you need 4 Griffin eggs. I had never seen any drop up to this point, but I haven't killed alot of Griffs either. I set out and with a little help was able to get 4 eggs to drop in about 3 hours. It would have gone faster, but I had trouble finding the Griffins. All in all I'd say we got the 4 eggs in about 12 - 15 Griffins, maybe even less.

Once you've made the souffle turn it in to Grand Historian Thoridain with the napkin. Here I learned something useful. I forgot to turn in the napkin when I turned in the souffle. In my excitement in creating the souffle I had completely forgotten. I was about to petition that he had eaten my item when I realized the forgotten napkin, so I gave him the napkin and to my suprise it worked.

Grand Historian Thoridain says 'My compliments, Dyllwin , what a wonderful dish! Please accept my personal Seal as a token of my appreciation. May it give you power over your adversaries. 
Your faction standing with Coldain got better
Your faction standing with DainFrostreaverIV got better
Your faction standing with Kromzek got worse
Your faction standing with Kromrif got worse
You gain experience!!

He gives you his Seal to give to Borannin with your second Prayer Shawl. Now here is the toughest part of the quest. I looked at the Seal thinking it would be some no stat item, to my suprise I found it is an incredibly nice item, I think better than the Frozen Orb everyone is farming in the Eastern Wastes. Stats are AC 3, Wis +3, Int +3, SvCold +3, Sv Magic +3 and Mana +30. I hesitated for a moment, but finally turned it and my Prayer Shawl in to Borannin thinking I could do the quest again to that point to get the Seal.

Loremaster Borannin says 'Well done Dyllwin, the council will be impressed with your effort. Here is the woven prayer shawl, wear it with pride. I know there is talk of great plans for you, be sure to come back and ask me what the council has [brewing]. 
Your faction standing with Coldain got better
Your faction standing with DainFrostreaverIV got better
Your faction standing with Kromzek got worse
Your faction standing with Kromrif got worse
You gain experience!!

This is the best part of the quest. I looked at my inventory to check out the stats on the shawl. It is as expected, one better on each stat over the second one, just like the ring quests. What shocked me, however, is that along with the third shawl I also received back from Borannin the Seal of Thoridain. So with this third quest we get two items. The shawl, which has not quite reached the level that I would switch it out for what I have on, and the Seal which is an incredible nice item.

He alludes to the fourth quest in this series, but when questioned about it says there will soon be much to do.

You say, 'What is brewing?'

Loremaster Borannin says 'As of now they have nothing for me to tell you. Bear with me Dyllwin , there will soon be much to do! 

Unfortunately I did some of the quest on a different computer, so I did not have all of the log entries to include with the correct names of some items and what some of the NPC's say. All of the steps are here, anything missed is just dialog.

For those who want it sumed up, here is a shopping list of items you will need to do the whole quest. This assumes no failures, so plan accordingly :)

1 Tundra Kodiak Meat (Non-stackable)
2 Jug of Sauces (Stackable)
1 Loaf of Bread (Stackable)
1 Mixing Bowl (Container)
4 Snow Griffin Eggs (Stackable, No Drop)
3 Spices (Stackable)
2 Snow Bunny Meat (Non-stackable)
2 Flasks of Water (Stackable)
1 Pot (Non-stackable, Not a container)
2 Ulthork Meat (Stackable, edible)
1 Vinegar (Stackable)
1 Snake Egg (Stackable)
1 Bottle of Milk (Stackable)
1 Cup Flower (Stackable)
1 Pie Tin (Non-stackable, Not a container)

One last note...I did this whole third quest without an open inventory slot, since I had to carry around a mixing bowl. So you don't have to worry about not getting an item from one of the NPC's if all of your slots are filled, anything they give you, including the shawl and the seal, fit in your backpacks. Reward: Woven Coldain Prayer Shawl
Reward: Seal of Thoridain

Saving Tanik (Normal): This is the fourth Coldain Prayer Shawl Quest.

After you finish the third quest, Ask Loremaster Borannin 'what is brewing?'

Loremaster Borannin says 'Ahh yes, good to see you again Maeve . I wish it were under better circumstances that we meet today. For
some time now we have sent teams of our finest rogues to gather intelligence for the Dain. Tanik Greskil is one of our best. He was recently sent into the heart of Kael Drakkel on a very important mission and has not returned. He is now long overdue, and fearing the worst, our wise council has asked me to dispatch a rescue party to determine what has become of him and return him to safety. I have decided to give you this opportunity to build upon the trust you have earned from the council. Will you accept this mission? 

You say, 'i will accept this mission'

Loremaster Borannin says 'The council will be pleased to hear of your acceptance, Maeve . Scour the regions surrounding the city of the
Giants. Discover what happened to Tanik and, if possible, return him to Thurgadin. If you are successful, remember to hand me your woven shawl. We seem to be running low on them, but I must say Mordin has never had so much help in the kitchen. Anyway, I will eagerly await word of your findings. Good luck, and may Brell protect you. 

If you wander around the Eastern Wastes near NEG 6644 POS 4337 you will hopefully eventually see a message "the snow crumbles away revealing an injured coldain" or something like that. This reveals Tanik Greskil.

You say, 'hail Tanik Greskil'

Tanik Greskil says 'Outlander! Thank Brell you've found me! I am the last surviving member of my unit. Our mission was somehow compromised, the bloody Kromrif knew just where to find us... I can't imagine how they knew. I was barely able to escape with my life and wandered into a trap here. I am badly hurt and need your help.

You say, 'i will help'

Tanik Greskil says 'Quickly, give me a vial of Veluim Vapors so I can return home, I am in desperate need of some attention from our clerics.

You say, 'what is velium vapors'

Tanik Greskil says 'Drat! Are you telling me you don't have one with you? Run back to Thurgadin at once and speak with Frundle, she can make you one. I will do what I can to stay alive. I may need to move about a bit to keep from being discovered. Hurry now outlander, you're my only hope.

You say, 'hail Frundle Frenkler'

You say, 'what velium vapors'

Frundle Frenkler says 'Ahh, you come seeking my family recipe? After all you've done for our people it's the least I can do. First you must fashion a velium vial, then combine the vial with two small pieces of velium in this jar. That's all there is to it. Please keep the recipe a secret.

You say, 'what velium vial?'

Frundle Frenkler says 'I'm no potter mind you, but if I remember correctly it's a small brick of velium, three crystalline silks, and two glass shards. Then you'll have to finish up by firing it in a kiln with a high quality firing sheet.

Small piece of velium and small block of velium can be looted on Ry’Gorr Minors in Crystal Caverns

Crystalline Silk can be found on spiders in the same zone. So basically, Up to here, it’s rather easy.

1) Combine a small (7 lb) brick of velium, three unstacked crystalline silks and two glass shards in a pottery wheel. You will receive an Unfired Velium Vial.
2) Combine the Unfired Velium Vial and a HQ firing sheet in the kiln and receive a Veluim Vial (yes they misspelled it).
3) Combine the Veluim Vial and two unstacked small pieces of Velium in the Velium purifier. The Velium Purifier disappears and you are left with a Vial of Velium Vapors. The vial is a lore item and has one charge of gate to Thurgadin.

The vial is trivial at skill 130.

Do not camp the spot where Tanik Greskil is… because i did it, and got A message: You have been ambushed by frost giants! And two Komriff Death Squad will spawn, and try to kill you.

When you get Tanik Greskil to spawn again… just hand him the vial

Tanik Greskil says 'Thank you,Rassal . I shall be eternally grateful to you. Should you ever require my assistance I pledge to you my aid. Please deliver this to Borannin, it is imperative that he deliver this to the Dain at once. Farewell for now outlander...

You gain experience!!

Then head back to Thurgadin and hand Boradinn the note and your old shawl, for the new shawl.

Loremaster Borannin says 'Words cannot express our gratitude for your deeds outlander, you have saved a hero of our people from certain death. Please accept this, the Fur-lined shawl, as a token of our sincere appreciation. You are indeed among the most highly regarded Humans to set foot in Thurgadin. The next time we meet be sure to ask me how to further advance your reputation with the coldain. Reward: Fur-Lined Coldain Prayer Shawl

Silken Prayer Shawl (Normal): This is the fifth Coldain Prayer Shawl Quest.

After completing the Saving Tanik Quest, say 'What can I do to further advance my reputation with the coldain?'

Loremaster Borannin says 'Dilani ! Thank Brell you're here. I was about to send one of my Lorekeepers looking for you. It appears that the information Tanik acquired is most perilous indeed. The Dain has called an emergency session of the council and I must attend. We don't have the luxury of waiting for an appropriate task to arise, you must advance as soon as possible. Unfortunately, I have neither the time, nor the components to fashion the next few shawls for you. Ask Rexx Frostweaver about the prayer shawl and follow his direction carefully. 

You say, 'Hail Rexx Frostweaver'

Rexx Frostweaver says 'Hmmm, ye be one o them offlanders, don't ye? I've heard some strange tales o yer kind so don't be tryin' any funny business with me. I know the value of a platinum piece and I'll not get cheated by yer foreign coin. 

You say, 'I am here for the next prayer shawl.'

Rexx Frostweaver says 'Gather five strands of crystalline silk thread and combine them in a
sewing kit to make a crystalline silk fiber. Take this container and combine a glowing shardworm bile with three of the fibers to form a piece of glowing crystalline silk. Five pieces of glowing crystalline silk sewn to your fur-lined shawl will yield a beautiful silk shawl. Become a master in the art of tailoring before risking all you've worked for and be sure to let me inspect your work when it's complete. 

The thread drops from spiders in Velketor's Labrynth and the shardworm bile drops from shardwurms in the Great Divide. Reward: Silk Coldain Prayer Shawl

Embroidered Prayer Shawl (Normal): This is the sixth prayer shawl quest. You need to do the first 5 before this one.

You need 1 Woven Giants Beard, 2 Siren Hairs, 2 Manticore Manes, and 2 Drakel Dire Wolf Whiskers.

First go to Betti Frostreaver and say 'What embroidered prayer shawl' and she will hand you a pattern that is used for the 6th step.

Next go to GD near the Wizard Spires near Eastern Wastes zone and kill the Wolfs that pat around there. Most of the time you'll find someone killing them for faction with the Codian. It's a semi-common drop but is No Drop. While your killing those Wolfs /Auc your buying a Woven Giants Beard. It is Lore so most of the time someone will let you loot one off a giant or will give you one if they sell it to you the common price is about 50 plat for one. I got both whiskers in about 20 mins and the beard during that 20 mins. Also you can sometimes find a beard on a merchant they sell for about 130 plat.

Next zone over to Eastern Wastes this is where a Tracker is helpfull. You need to hunt down 2 Manticores and hope they drop there Manes. The Manticore Mane is dropable so you can purchase one if your lucky. Or find a merchant selling one, I had to hunt for mine. Manticores roam the entire zone but are most common near the Great Devide zone area but are still semi-uncommon to find normally only 2-3 are up in the whole zone. Out of the 6 I killed I got 4 manes. Took about an hour to kill 4. BTW these are blue to a level 49. And, was a hard Fight for my Ranger that is really twinked up. Easy if your planning on kiting it since most of the people that are doing this quest are casters.

Lastly, killing Sirens. Head or Gate to Colbolt Scar. There is 2 main areas these are at that I know of behind the Skyshrine ramp down at the waters edge you can see 3 from above + 2 in the water a little bit deeper. And near the Sirens Grotto Cave underwater there is 4 guarding the cave. These are NOT Fun. Bring a group with you if you can. But always remember your friends will turn on you FAST. These things are Enchanters and will Charm your friends and turn them on you as well as nuke you hard. So it makes pulling hard for them.

Now that you've collected everything you need place the beard, 2 manes, 2 whiskers and 2 hairs into the kit. This will make a Thread. Now place your thread, the 5th Shawl and the pattern your got eariler and combine. This will make your 6th Shawl. If you fail you will get your 5th shawl back. Reward: Embroidered Coldain Prayer Shawl

Runed Prayer Shawl (Shawl No. 7) (Normal): Start out by showing your 6th shawl to Betti Frostweaver in the Thurgadin Exchange.

Betti Frostweaver says 'Spectacular artistry! I doubt I could have done better myself. You'll have to forgive me, I know time is short and I tend to carry on. This is the pattern for the making of a rune sacred to our people. It will be our final test of your craftsmanship and will put many of your skills to the test, but I trust you'll find the finished product to be more than worth the effort. Show Gilthan the silk shawl, he will set you on the path. May Brell always be with you outlander.

Now show your shawl to Gilthan.

Gilthan Brittleblade says 'So, you've been chosen to attempt the rune, eh? Been ages since anyone's even made an attempt. The rune represents the very essence of our people, our culture, and our religion. Take a sea shell runed with enduring breath and a small brick of velium and grind them together in a mortar and pestle. Add water to the powder and model the rune. Fire the rune with water and the best of firing sheets. Show the product to Trademaster Kroven.

Head off to Siren's Grotto and kill Sirens for hours until you get a Runed Sea Shell with 1 charge of Enduring Breath. Sorry didn't take a screen shot but it's not LORE or NO DROP.

Combine the Sea Shell and a small brick of velium in a Mortar and Pestle which you can buy from a rogue vendor. I have no idea what skill check this is but it was trivial to me. I'm assuming it was pottery.

Result: Enchanted velium powder: LORE Trivial at Pottery 188

Combine the powder and water in a pottery wheel.

Result: Unfired Rune: LORE Trivial at Pottery 188

Combine the rune a high quality firing sheet and water in a kiln.

Result: Blank rune: MAGIC LORE NO DROP
Trivial at Pottery 188

Now show the rune to Trademaster Kroven also in the Thurgadin Exchange.

Trademaster Kroven says 'Fine piece of work there, Adorean, especially fer an outlander. Now yer gunna need to make a burin to etch the rune with. Once that's done ye need to kneel in the chapel and recite this prayer with total sincerity in yer heart. If yer plea be heard by our Father Brell he'll bless ya with the knowledge necessary to carry on. With that knowledge you'll take the blank rune, the burin and a fletching kit to etch the rune. Show Grimthor the etched rune and he'll guide you from there.

He gives you a: Prayer to Brell: LORE NO DROP

You say, 'what burin'

Trademaster Kroven says 'You'll need a fletching kit and a fair bit of skill for this one, Adorean . Round up a tooth from a swordfish and attatch it to an Ulthork tusk wrapped in a Molkor hide.

Head to Siren's Grotto and get a swordfish tooth from the swordfish and a molkor hide from the molkors. You can also get ulthork tusks there but they're much easier to get in eastern wastes where you can kill the low level ulthorks for their tusks. The swordfish tooth is NO DROP which is the only item actually forcing you to go into SG.

Combine the tusk, swordfish tooth, and hide in a fletching kit.

Result: Burin: LORE NO DROP Trivial at Fletching 194

Go to the room where the quest started with the Grand Historian and wander around spamming the following prayer until you see a message saying you've been inspired.

You say, 'Oh Brell, Thank you for protecting me and seeing me through my trials. Forgive me for the things I think and say and do that displease you. Please reveal to me your will and bless me with the patience and obedience to do that which you desire. Amen.'

You have been inspired. The sacred pattern of the Coldain rune materializes on the ground before you.

On the floor in front of the Historian was a Etched Rune pattern: LORE ITEM NO DROP

Combine the pattern, burin, and rune in a fletching kit.

Result: Etched Rune: MAGIC LORE NO DROP
Trivial at Fletching 194

Go show your Etched Rune to Grimthor by the brew barrel in Thurgadin.

Grimthor Brewbeard says 'That looks about right. You're moving along well outlander. Next you'll be needin to brew up a sacred ink to fill the grooves in your rune. Take Iceclad Cutlass fish oil, liquid velium, and some Royal Kromrif blood, brew them in the barrel here then take the product and the rune and combine them in a fletching kit. Show Talem Tucker the resulting item if yer successful.

You say, 'what cutlass fish oil' 

Grimthor Brewbeard says 'Grab a pole and fish the waters in Iceclad until you catch yourself three Iceclad Cutlass fish. Place them in this oil extractor and you'll have whatcha need.

You say, 'what liquid velium'

Grimthor Brewbeard says 'Collect a small piece of velium and a bottle of rubbing alcohol and brew them together in a barrel. It aint easy, but it should prove to be a minor task for the likes of you.

He gives you: Fish oil extractor 4 slot container LORE NO DROP

Fish in Iceclad until you get 3 Cutlass fish and combine them in the extractor.

Result: Cutlassfish Oil: LORE Trivial at Brewing 168

You need to go to the Mortician in Cabilis and buy rubbing alcohol. Luckily I have an iksar who picked it up for me.

Combine the rubbing alcohol and a small piece of velium in a brew barrel.

Result: Liquid Velium: LORE Trivial at Brewing 168

Combine the Liquid Velium, Fish Oil and a Royal Kromrif Blood (LORE) from Kael in a brew barrel. I don't know which mob drops the blood as guild members who'd been hunting there already had some.

Result: Sacred Velium Ink: LORE NO DROP
Trivial at Brewing 168

Combine the ink and rune in a fletching kit.

Result: Velium etched Rune: MAGIC LORE NO DROP Trivial at Fletching 194

Go to the jewelry store in Thurgadin by the Exchange. Show your rune to Talem Tucter.

Talem Tucter says 'I've heard of your mission, Adorean . I must admit that I had my doubts you'd make it this far. The rune's creation is nearly impossible for even the most skilled of Coldain craftsmen. You should be exceedingly proud. Many have attempted this feat and nearly all have lacked the skill, faith, patience and persistence that is prerequisite for what destiny holds in store for you. You are now ready to use this pattern to construct the sacred rune's casing and complete the runed shawl.

You say, 'what casing' 

Talem Tucter says 'Combine two platinum bars, a small piece of velium and the casing pattern in a Jeweler's kit. Take the completed casing and the rune and combine them in the same kit. When this is done all that's left is to tailor the rune to the shawl with the pattern. Take the finished product to Borannin, I'm sure he's eager to speak with you.

Combine the pattern he gives you, a small piece of velium and two platinum bars in a jewelry kit.

Result: The casing. Trivial at Jewel Craft 182

Combine the Casing and your Rune in a jewelry kit.

Result: Encased Velium etched Rune: MAGIC LORE NO DROP Trivial at Jewel Craft 182

Take the final Rune, the pattern you originally received from Betti at the start and your 6th shawl and combine in a tailoring kit.

Result: Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl AC7 STA 7 CHA 7 WIS 7 INT 7 SV FIRE/COLD/POISON 7 Effect: Flowing Thought 1 Trivial at Tailoring 212

You can then go show Loremaster Borannin your 7th shawl.

Loremaster Borannin says 'Incredible! Never before has an outlander been skilled and determined enough to craft our sacred rune. You are now worthy of the Dains most perilous tasks. One is being prepared for you as we speak, please check back with me soon and I will outline the details for you. Until then, Adorean , allow me to commend you on a job well done!
Reward: Runed Coldain Prayer Shawl

