Honor, Valor, Courage, Strength, Justice, Loyalty & Respect |
A Statement from the Chief of Nox |
New Member Policy LINKS: Everlore
Nox has been like a fun loving family for quite some time but growth
has caused some friction within the ranks and as a result Nox has begun
to loose some valuable members.
The growing numbers have also diminished the "family" feel of Nox. When a /who all GUILD displays there are more often than not alot of unfamiliar names. The increase in member /tells for "plz plvl me", "port me", "rez me", "give me money", etc. etc. is also having a negative impact on the Guild as a whole. For Nox to grow Strong and earn a respected name in Norrath Nox must rise to the next level of excellence with a more focused direction. The first step will have to be a more refined process of inviting New Members. We want members who will help make Nox Strong. Quantity without Quality is a constant drain on the resources of the Loyal and Dedicated Members of Nox. Too many have joined us who think we are here to plvl and pamper them (or so it sometimes seems). With too many of this type in the Guild our Strength Sapped and we loose those of our own that can aid us if we ever desire to Own the Planes. Let it be known from this day forward that only
Seasoned Adventurers who have earned a Surname in the Lands of Norrath
will be considered for membership into Nox!
For the Glory of Nox!