Honor, Valor, Courage, Strength, Justice, Loyalty & Respect

About Nox Secuutus


Nox Forums

NOX Hierarchy

Guild Roster


Nox Origins:

Nox is an old guild that was created in the Old Worlds of Norrath when they were still new, before the discovery of Kunark. It's true origins have faded from the memories of all but the oldest members yet Legends of the Origins of Nox have been scribed into the Library for the generations that have followed.

Nox Evolution:

The evolution of Nox has been a long and winding road with many ups and downs as members have come and gone. Over the years there have been at least 5 different Leaders as the guild passed through various stages of evolution. From a small group of friends to a time when a /who GUILD could not list all the members online and back to times when it looked like the Nox would be no more... yet the Nox has survived.

The most frustrating aspect of the Nox has been the loss of so many members once they have passed into the higher levels and are drawn away to join what have come to be called Raiding Guilds. Nox tried that road, but the demands to become a Raiding Guild placed upon the members of Nox came close to tearing it apart....

New Age Nox:

As I look at the origins and evolution of Nox up to now I would say that this is the beginning of a New Age for the Nox. Few of the Original members are active players though they still haunt the forums watching over us. By looking back at the Origins and the Evolution of Nox to remember the triumphs and tragedies that made us it gives us a better perspective to approch this New Age.
Nox would best be called a casual or family guild as many members are casual or part time players who haven't forgotten they have a real life and that EQ is a game we play to relax and have fun. We have also been known to come together as a guild to overcome our weaknesses of numbers and classes through innovation in difficult situations.
Though Nox is not a Raiding Guild we have made efforts to form close ties to Guilds that are so the option to participate in High Level Raids is available to those members who have proven themselves in the fields of battle.

Codes of Conduct:

We are all here to have fun and and make new and lasting friendships. 
Showing all members the common courtesy and respect you would want to recieve goes along way to making Norrath a better place for all of us.

No one likes a Beggar! No Begging! (except from NPCs since it IS a skill)
Nox is not here to power level you, port, "twink", or give you "phat lewt". 
If this is what you are looking for from a guild, look elsewhere.

Do your best to seek out other members and allies of similar levels and group with them as often as possible. Help other members and allies when and if you are able to. 
Remember you carry the NOX tag and your actions are a reflection of the guilds reputation.

Try not to argue, flame, discredit, or slander other members, Especially in Guild chat or the Public Forum. 

The bottom line is to make friends and have fun.

Joining NOX:
These RULES are not set in stone and are simply stated as a guideline for membership.

1. Only Characters lvl 15+ will be considered for membership. 

Only Full Members will be allowed to have guilded Alternate Characters according to your Main Character Levels:
Main lvl 20 = 1 Alt, Main lvl 25 = 2 Alts then 1 Alt per 5 levels of your Main Character.

2. Request Membership using the New Member Forum and Guild Magic.

New Members should post thier interest to becoming a member on the New Member Forum. 
Create a user account and character through Guild Magic and submit that character to be added to the Nox Secuutus Member Roster. 
Once your name appears in the Guild Roster any Officer may invite you into the guild.

3. When You are invited into the Guild you will be an Initiate Member.

After a period of not more than 60 days of being an Initiate Member and abiding by the NOX Code of Conduct you may request  Full Member Status (lvl 20+) which will be determined by the NOX Council.