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Greetings Friends,
Nommad Spiritwind , self-proclaimed "Tome Keeper" at your service...
For years I have tried to keep a record or history if you will of the EQ guild Nox Secuutus...
The Archives have amassed alot of information over the years so I have begun to sift and sort
through it to present...

The Chronicles of Nox Secuutus

  Amadaar LeCambrion -- The Preacher remembers...

Nox Secuutus Loosely translated means "Followers of the Night".
Now I know for some that this may not fit entirely but never the less that is the translation.

Of the original founding 10 members there may only be a  handful left.
Raljah is the most prominent of those founding days of yesteryear. He along with Gypsum (First guild leader) Krystjana (who may still be around), Fezz (ok who knows where our erstwhile pc killer is) and Techman who hasn't played in years......


Fezz  Speaks:
Along time ago (real life years, not eq years), in a forest far far away, In the heart of tox, before
the construction of the hole was complete, and before paineel was ever built (although we were suppose
to pretend these places existed).....
There lived a horribly darranged creature, known as Raljah, The Necro Master, perhaps one of the most derranged creatures in the forest.

If it wasn't for one crazy troll raping, part erudite, fisherwoman, who was my mother, she raped the troll of tox forest, and at birth cut the child into many parts, each of the races that was part of the mogrel man of a child.
The troll and other regenerate creatures blood that helped make up the child caused each of these parts to grow
into invidiual beings, one of which, the erudite portion, being Fezz.

Now Fezz himself, was far from a sane man, infact he suffered multiple body disorder and other
disorders, including sphylious and rabbies.
The sick twisted man that was Fezz quickly befriended Raljah, seeing as a large portion of his alter bodies were evil and all of them were insane.

So, they telepathically told Fezz that just because he was a wizard type erduite part, he couldn't hate Erudin,
besides, they looked at him funny (for some reason I was apprehensive, and occasionaly dubious in the
city, occasionaly as highly factioned as indifferent, which Fezz also considered an insult).
Raljah, however, was a starving man who ran around in the scrappy rags one starts with, and Fezz, ever the
greedy capitalist pig dog, would frequently buy goods, and resell them to Raljah the homless bum.

Somewhere durring the period of time when I was hunting gnolls, Raljah keept going on, about troll hunting this  and burn Erudin that, and about Torv, and "Oh we're going to form a cult and burn Erudin!"

Torv says he knows how to form a guild....
We're actually going to do it, finnaly our dreams of burning Erudin could take shape....
And well it happened, I was there for opening day, although one of the hardest of all the originators to hunt down and find, which led to my not getting officer ship, because by then there was that whole Gypsum finasco.

  Amadaar LeCambrion -- The Preacher reflects...

Now Raljah has a better memory than I in this regard and perhaps my young apprentice can fill in some
details of what is missing....
But the sole reason this guild was created was to burn Erud to the ground.

Most like you, Gael, have not a clue that was the original intent hehehe.

"NOX Birthrights"

Once long ago a crazy Erudite necro named Raljah was talking with the most insane one known by most as
Fezz the Erudite wizard who had a truly disturbing family background.
Now both had their flaws, but they
shared one thing in common, their true hatred of Erudin.

Raljah hated the Erudites in their tower
because they forced him and his kin to live in the forest in a little hut, and he truly despised trying to find his way there after it became dark. Fezz hated the Erudites because even though he was on their side, they looked at him oddly.

Together they both formed the idea to gather an army and march on

They estimated it would take about 150 people to completely hold the tower for many days, thus
calling down the wrath of the gods so that they could battle them as well and ascend into godhood to forever torture the Erudites they so hated.

Their plan was true insanity and they knew they couldn't go
around telling people that they were going to be an army, no, no, they needed a name.
Raljah sought out
a friend named Celdarn who came up with a list of possible names for the army from both Latin and Japanese sources.

Now armed with a name, Raljah went to his apprentice, a young Erudite necro named Torv
and proposed the idea of burning Erudin to the ground.
Torv immediately agreed with his mentor and began
to spread the word among his friends..
word traveled quickly, "Destruction of Erudin? Insanity!" was the
response they usually got, however some were intrigued.. nothing like that had ever been attempted since the war that created the Hole.
What if they were part of that? To forever be part of the history of
Of course.. there were also the promises sent out to the ogre and troll lands of ...
"Lots of tasty
Erudites to eat if you help us."

Through some twist of fate, Torv took on another form, that of a female
wood elf druid and began to call himself Gypsum. Raljah still saw the opportunity to start on the way to his dream and didn't care what form of his apprentice would help him.

The plans went on.. weeks passed
as the people were pooled together.. however the fateful day of the meeting of the soon to be heads of  the army was a disaster.
Few showed up to the meeting that had been recruiting and recruiting had to be
done on the spot by Fezz and Pness (Now known as Parkilor).

They pulled it off and Nox Secuutus was

Gypsum quickly approved two people to hand out the membership cards as he had to disappear for

quite some time, leaving promises of leadership to his former mentor Raljah upon his return...

Raljah and I would sit by the ruins in Eastern Commons sometimes for weeks straight just buffing and
helping people. I had a bloodforge hammer back then (Man I thought it was BOSS hehehe).
We would finish
off mobs, heal, buff, rescue the unfortunate of Orc 1 and Orc 2 and people thought we were nuts! But I will say this Raljah and Aamadar have a vast bank of languages that they can speek because of it plus we
made many friendships that still endure.

"The Gypsum Fiasco"

It was a hard time, but we (Nox) were assembling and continued to grow as the word of assaulting the
tower of Erudin fascinated many who heard it.
Soon Raljah met a certain cleric who swore that he would
stand on a mountaintop and preach the word of Mithaniel in every language known on Norrath.
tracked down this cleric, seeking to fully convert him to the belief that Erudin had destroyed.
Together, Raljah and Aamadar (hereby referred to and always will be referred to as Preacher) sat at an
undead hangout in the East Commonlands and helped those who sought to kill the undead fiends.
had a particular hatred for ghouls and instantly slaughtered them as soon as they showed their ugly
faces.. in between learning languages from Raljah and talking about how the Erudites were truly evil and
had to be destroyed.

Things were going well for quite some time, then Gypsum returned and Raljah sought to gain the
leadership promised to him.. and was denied.. for months. Finally, sick of the lies Gypsum had spun for
him, Raljah decided to voice his concerns to the army he had gathered. For speaking his thoughts he was
hunted down to the farthest reaches of the world..

it was around that time, that Gypsum, attempted to elminate The Raljah infestation, and that ment Fezz would be horribly punished by this shemale.
seemed to be only 2 hiding spots from this horrid wench one was hiding in Erudin, not even preacher himself would of thought of  that. The other option was, AK'Anon, City of Gnomes...

GYPSUM had to die!, and Die she did, when I killed her horrible
bloody murder like, when attempting to live in ak'anon on my third trip there I believe, when I was
starting to hunt and kill drakes and elementals and minotaurs. I took Gypsum out to the minotaur caves and offed her while Raljah hid with that Meldrath guy.

Gypsum finally discovered Raljah in Steamfont.. drinking ale with Meldrath as Fezz ranted and raved outside the minotaur caves......
Gypsum stripped Raljah of his
officership on the spot and plans for revenge formed in Raljah's mind.

Waiting a proper amount of time....
Raljah launched a full scale attack upon Gypsum out in the open for the whole guild to see.
sought to keep the fight private....
but Raljah responded to everything in the open for everyone to know

after much argueing in guild, and having gypsum send us tells because he didn't want anyone to hear, and my taking screen shots of what he said and making a nice collage? out of them.....

People asked what was going on all around him while Raljah continued to fight and talk about how he

was demoted for speaking his mind and that if anyone else spoke their mind they would be kicked out just
like he was about too be...
The air was filled with tension and pure hatred as mentor and apprentice threw

everything they had at each other... when the smoke finally cleared, many were left dazed and confused,
wondering what had just happened.
Gypsum had disappeared leaving Raljah to explain to all what the explosive
fight had been all about before retiring to rest from the battle.....

Then there was a second founding if you will a reaffirmation of who and what we were. This transpired in
Unrest one eve with Gypsum handing over the mantle of leadership to Maxizeus. Krystjana refused and
Gypsum and Raljah had a history that did not let him garner that leadership.


Max was appointed
Guild leader.
Which was a joyous and sad occasion.
I was truly hoping Raljah would get his leadership
one of those days, but Max was cool,
he could kill guards and summon puppy dogs (quite impressive in

those days, and it kept helped me earn my drinking reputation, which was better then my prior sewing
reputation and running around in a pink dress, I mean ROBE it was a crimson Sr Apprentice robe.
Max I admit when I run around in skirts and even take photos as proof,
Max just claims to never ever do
such things.

So it became quite obvious Erudin wasn't going to be burned, Darn diddly arn,
because after Erudin went, we were going to take on Kelethin, or at least that's what I still say we should do.

This called for more drinks, let the alcohool decide if it was better we didn't burn citties
or not.

After Gypsum stepped down and handed the leadership of the guild to Maxizeus, who had done

great things for the guild.. and because Gypsum would have died before giving Raljah leadership.... and
Raljah really wouldn't have minded Gypsum dying at that point... but it wasn't worth the trouble he'd
have to go through. Raljah sat back and didn't stir any trouble over the change of the leadership, for
after that fateful battle between Raljah and Gypsum, the army that was raised started to change.
longer was it an army disguised by the pleasant word "guild," no, it was more, it was becoming a family.

The goal of destroying Erudin began to fade from the memory of those in Nox, and Raljah did nothing to
stop it, for Nox had become stronger than he had ever hoped. Sure, they wouldn't be able to achieve his
personal goal of destroying Erudin, but they would battle the new evil of uber guilds through loyalty
and friendship.

Nox has always been about friendship, as soon as my childish goal of destroying Erudin faded.
Of course, I'd still love to go burn Erudin to the ground and have GMs come out
in the form of gods and fight us (probably slaughter us..) but it's not required.

We had lots of good
  times and we had our bad times, but our main thing that made Nox....
well, Nox, was the fact that we
were all good friends.
We dealt out a good deal of insults and we all took an equal amount of insults
right back for whatever we threw.
I won't go into some of my later clashes with people, for those have
no basis on what Nox is.
I have always believed that we should speak what's on our mind, even if it's
not very pleasant.
One event comes to mind, with Max taking a bunch of us out to Rathe to hunt HGs while

he was watching HBO... lol, lots of comments that probably weren't necessary or appropriate.. but he
said em anyway! 

Nox is all about friendship, it's not just a guild tag that takes up room over your

character's head next to your name. At least, that's how I feel, I know there are others who reflect
that feeling, if not have that same feeling.

Lataz palz~ Raljah Milinko Warlock of Mithaniel

This was the time of my first EQ experiences. My first "incarnation" was as a Half-Elf Druid by the name of Aarlon and Yukloong and his "crew" were my first long lasting friends. He had approached me with the offer to start a guild, I can't remember the exact name of it anymore, but before it bore fruit I realized I'd made some very bad mistakes creating my Druid (new to EQ and all it's an easy mistake) not knowing at the time how important wis was I  was always oom... heh.
Anyway about the time I decided it was time for a "Rebirth" was when my circle of friends discovered Nox.
Although I could have joined then at level 1 I chose to be a "Nommad" until I could get myself to a reasonable level I felt comfortable joining. I didn't want any hand outs as I've always been very hard headed about trying to do things and get things on my own.

"The Coming of Yukloong"

Once upon a time in Norrath in the rolling plains of the Karanas, a band of adventurers Consisting of

the mighty Yukloong halflelf ranger and , Aillianea The brave also a half elf, Sulidal The powerful
albeit vertically challenged halfling druid, Arrlon, the half elf druid and mighty Melleeing druid, had
formed a group to adventure through the lands of norrath. We were a brave and fearsome group. As the
winds whipped the plains of West Karana we did our best to rid it of the Bandit threat.

During our time in the plains of Karana we met another band of adventurers who soon became our allies
and trusted compainions through many battles. Two of them that are of note was Bamor a stealthy young
Barbarian rogue, and Giledenare A mighty young Barbarian warrior. As a group we spent many cycles of the
moon wageing war with the circle of unseen hands destroying their foul bandit ilk. Upon completion of
this task we heard of another threat in keep of Highhold where the filthy gnolls were terrorizing the
local populace so we moved our crusade there. Unfortunately somewhere during our bandit adventures we
lost track of Bamor as he was called away to another set of battles. However in a very Happy day in HH
we found him again and he was carrying the banner of Nox Secuutus. However what banner he fought under
was of no concern to us for he was our comerade in arms and had tasted the blood of our enemies with us.
We recieved him into our group with open arms, and again we did battle against the vile gnolls of High
Hold. Those were the glorious days of our youth and we bound ourselves into a group that was a small
army unto itself and our ability to skirmish and destroy the gnolls became a thing of legend.

In a day not long after the gnoll wars had ended for us, we were all hunting in the Gorge of King Xrobb,
we had become rather fond of cow tipping and the minos had target written all over them. Bamor asked
Ailliana the Brave to become a member of his noble house, She galdly accepted, and then asked The mighty
Yukloong if he would also wear the colors Nox Secuutus. Yukloong thought about it and decided that he
would come only if he could bring his faithful band of adventurers with him. After discussions with
Arrlon, (later to be reborn as Nommad the mighty druid and mastercraftsman), Sulidal, who was still
vertically challenged, and Giledinare We all decided that it was an honor to be inducted and proudly
wore the colors.

We were all a little stunned at first we had never before known such a feeling of warmth and friendship.
We had fought our way through the ranks alone and by our wits before and never had a group to back us.
We realized how hard times had been before joining Nox Secuutus.

--The Mighty Yukloong

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