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--12/27: Nox Pals rise to the Occasion:
Though many Nox have moved on to other guilds there is still a kinship and bond with Nox as was very evident today as the channel "noxpals" was created and it quickly filled up with alot old nox and friends. The greatest part of it all was that we all came together in 2 full groups in Burning Woods to take down Ixiblat Fir 2 times and helped Fubio and Aamadar get a piece of thier cleric epic!
Though I had to leave afterwards for awhile when I logged back on the channel was still up and those that had stayed had done alot of adventuring together with lots of pings and dings and everyone was saying what a wonderful day it had been.
Though the guild Nox is but a shadow of what it once was, today made it clear that the Spirit of Nox lives on and is as strong or maybe even stronger than it ever was!
I hope all of you that are Nox, have ever been Nox, or even just been a "pal" of  Nox would /join noxpals or better yet /autojoin noxpals there just might be many more days like today in our future... At the very least I'm sure there will be some chatter in the channel that will make you smile, laugh, cry, and stir you soul.

--10/30: Happy Birthday Nox!

Yes that's right, October 31st marks the 4th Anniversary of the creation of Nox Secuutus.
I always thought it was funny that the "Followers of the Night" were created on All Hallow's Eve and way back when I first saw the post about Important Dates I put it into the Archive. And as long as I'm putting up a link to that I thought it would be fitting to put up a link to the Origins of Nox too.

--10/29: Canneto Dibari - Nox MVP:

Over the last few months of my in activity I've watched as Canneto has consistantly gone above and beyond the call of duty for the Nox. Not only did he single handedly save the forums,  but has worked hard to finally get his epic, and offer many Souvenires to Nox that he has aquired along the way.  He's always just a tell away from helping anyone he possibly can or just available for some grouping and fun. All HAIL Canneto! (Nox Player of the Year)

--7/17: Still Alive and Kicking

Well, well, well. This has been the longest I've gone with any sort of update and most all of you probably think I've fallen off the face of the earth.... but I'm still alive and kicking. And believe it or not I'm looking in on you all every chance I get and it looks and sounds like you are all still doing well. Long Live the Nox!

--5/3: Nox United

It was nice to log on and find Nox ready, willing and able to throw together a group to knock down a piece of the Bard Epic for Aalegro and Keladwen. And partake in a few brews between the Maligar spawn. WOOT! 3 cheers for the Nox!

--4/28: Fennin Ro  ·  The Tyrant of Fire

 Fennin Ro is the being who rules the greater elemental Plane of Fire, from which he derives his title, the Tyrant of Fire. Fennin manifests himself as a large male humanoid with barbaric features including a beard of flame, glowing red eyes, pointed ears, and fangs. Although he has been known to be a fanatic in terms of preserving the element of fire, displaying a short temper toward that preservation and any who would dare to threaten it, Fennin Ro retains a strong influence on the wheel of Order and Discord. 

--4/11: Haunted Passages:

A Chill Wind rushed through the dark passages of the Night as the Spectre of Nox reach out to burn the hand of Yllek, the Flame Bearer. 
Voices that follow the night echo in discord refusing to yield to the dawn of change.
Shaken by the Spectre and voices Yllek passed the torch to Gaelfinn the only Nox he thought might have a shread of sanity remaining.......

Then the voices from the shadows of the night shouted, 
"Hail Gaelfinn! Flamebearer of  the Nox!"

--4/1: Passing the Torch to the Next Generation of Nox:

Nommad passes the Flame of Nox to Yllek.
Ushering in yet another Age of Nox to add to a Legacy that refuses to Die.

--3/29:The Fate of Nox:

Does the Flame of Nox Still Burn?
You Decide!


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