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--5/24: Maxizeus Gets His Epic Spear of Fate!

--5/22: Epic Mobs in City of Mist 6pm (pacific):

Just 2 mobs in City of Mist for Maxi to get his Epic! If enough Nox and friends show up we might just stay down there for awhile and see what else we can get to drop.

--5/21: NOX Bonfire 5/25 12pm @ Lake Rathe / Arena

Call it a Bonfire, Call it a Guild Meeting, Call it a Free-for-All...
Just Be There and Come with a Friend. heh

--5/10 1000s of New Player Made Items!

As of the 5/8 patch 1000s of New Trade Skill Recipes have been added and there is a flurry of activity on the EQ Traders Forums. I've posted some stats and highlights of what I've found there in the Nox Quest and Trade Skills Forum... Acrylia seems to be Dropping all over Luclin now and all ores can be converted... WOOT!

--5/7: Maxizeus & Zisikpus step up to Serve Nox

By all intents and purposes both Maxi and Zisik are the Raid Officers of Nox. If you've been with Nox for any length of time you know was they both want to do for Nox can quickly become a job without any input, so say your piece in the NOX LOUNGE
And I added a poll asking  Where Can You Hunt?
I'd like to think of them as Raid Chefs (not chiefs ..heh..) cause if you'll tell em what you're looking for they're likely to "Cook" something up.

5/7: Naked Ogre Run (5/9) & Naked Halfling Run (5/11):

I stumbled upon a series of off the wall and unusual events hosted by Midnight Sun that might interest some of you...
(BTW if anyone inspired me to persue the trades it was Ladihawk before Nommad was even born...)

--4:22: Still no Epic but a Good Time in PoH:

Still no Epic Drop for Zisik, but it was a good Raid and Nox got some decent drops.

--4/20: Plane of Hate for Zisik's Last Epic Drop:

Zisik's has fought a long hard battle to get the last drop he needs for his epic only to see it go to other Mages not nearly as far along as he. Each time it's been awarded to someone else so he's going to try and host a raid up there this time and he needs all the support he can get.
All Nox and Friends are asked if they would help... Sunday 22nd meet at the wiz spires in SRO @ 1pm EST.

--4/9: Return to Renux or WTH is Yendar Starputz!:

This guy didn't show up til everyone decided they didn't want to quit thier day job tonight. So Friday we'll be going back to Steamfont and party at the Mino Caves until the little @#$% shows up on track... Everyone is invited but asked to BYOB. Afterward a trip to the Hole might be a good primer for Sunday...

--4/7: Grats Maxi on becoming an Oracle!

News Archives: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Oldest
