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--3/10: Innovation in the Face of Adversity:
It was ugly and expensive, but Nox, Neg, UA, and friends came together like never before in the face of a Bloody Massacre to turn a gruesome defeat into a success.

--3/6: UA Raid on City of Mist lvls 30-46:

For members not quite ready to help in the Hole there's a Raid in CoM for midlevel characters and the purpose of this one is for exp! Sign-Up Here.

--3/6: Epic Help in the Hole Saturday:

Rally round Nox and help one of our own get a step closer to thier epic.

--3/6: Help needed to Kill Nagafen:

Here's a chance to help slay a Dragon and help a friend of Nox with thier epic.

--2/25: UA Invite to Chardok on 3/1:

UA is heading to Chardok Friday Night. Use the Forum to Sign Up or just show up as they need as many people as they can get for this endeavor.

--2/11: NEG Mid-Level Raid on Casic Thule:

Here's a chance for our mid-level members and alts to rub shoulders with NEG in a mid-level Raid on Casic Thule. It's sure to be a good time as there will more than likely be some higher levels in the area for some good buffs.

--2/9: New Officers Appointed and creation of the Nox Council:

I have appointed 3 new officers to Nox- Zisikipus, Aldaan, Zarritar and Cerise.
I've also created a Nox Council listing through Guild Magic.

--2/4: DE Corrupter Killed / Burning Embers Found:

I'd just like to take a moment to thank all NOX, NEG, UA, and Platinum Dragons that helped us this weekend. Some of it was Overkill and some of it was just Persistance and Determination. 
Thank You All for your Help!

--2/2: New Officers to be Appointed:

Nox Members should go to the Nox Lounge (password required) to read the announcement on the selection of New Officers

--1/29: UA PoF Raid Rescheduled plus a Raid in the Hole Friday:

Dark Risings beat us out on the PoF Raid this past weekend so UA has rescheduled it for this coming Saturday, plus they are Raiding the Hole Friday night. There is also a link to a Vox Raid being planned for Thursday on the UA Public Events Forum. Check it out and sign up if you're itching go to a Raid.

--1/28: New Nox Poll "Biggest Thrill" (playing EQ)

--1/27: Epic Help... the Dark Elf Corrupter in EK:

Nox is on a Roll so let's keep on rolling with little pieces of the Epic puzzles. Sunday at 2pm EST in EK we'll be taking down the Dark Elf Corrupter then heading back to Burning Woods in search of the elusive Burning Embers.

--1/25: Epic Help... Kill General Rottgrime in OT:

Zisik has reqested those of us 45+ to meet 3/27 in OT to help him with one of his Epic Mobs... General Rottgrime.

--1/18: More Raid Invites from UA:

UA has more Raids on the burner. Hate 1/19, the Hole 1/20, Fear 1/26. Be sure to check the UA Public Events Forum for Information and to Sign-Up

--1/16: Round 2 - Plane of Hate Raid with UA:

All Nox that are ready willing and able are requested to assist Universal Alliance in Hate on Saturday 1/19 11am (PST) 2pm (EST). 7 groups are needed = 42 people. 
Sign-Up Here or Talk about it in the Nox Raid Forum

--1/11: Invitation to UA Plane of Hate Raid:

We have an invitation to a UA Plane of Hate Raid Sunday 13th @ 4pm PST. (Right after the planned General Meeting in WC)

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