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--7/29: Rumors of War:
"Gnolls and the Jaggedpine Soldiers and Archers are gathering in front of the SFG tunnel.
Be carefull there will be gnolls 50+ there."

--7/28: Sign Up for a Raid in CoM:

Wuza is looking to get a Jade Reaver from City of Mist and ask all Nox that can help to be there. There are even some drops there for others we might be able to pick up. But the bottom line is we can do this and have alot of fun at the same time.

--7/25: New UI:

The patch was hell, but the New UI looks pretty sweet, despite the fact i had to spent alot of time reorganizing my spell book. And the whole market for items could change now if you can get past the lag... which may not be a problem for those of you with a fast CPU and memory to spare.

--7/20: New NOX EQ Poll:

Does nobody use the Polls? Over 10k hits on the site and less than 30 voters. 
How about voting on the latest NOX  (and friends) Poll, and if you haven't voted on the others vote on them too ... your vote DOES Matter ... vote early and vote often... 

--7/19: Let's Party!

Though many Nox get together in groups these days, there hasn't been any full fledged scheduled event in a long time... so Let's Party! The location has been chosen (AAR Resort) as a tribute to Nox of Old... It's just looking for a date and time from those that would like to participate. 

--7/8 Fighting Fire Giants in Sol B

Back from my Vacation and found alot of NOX getting together to beat on some Fire Giants... and uh... get beat on by the Fire Giants too... but it was a blast.

--6/26 On the Road Again:

I'm gonna be gone until the 8th but it already looks like some things are getting stirred up that I'll be missing... Check out the Raid and Events Forum to see what's happening or has happened that members have posted about. Have Fun, Dammit!

--6/20: Ravenwood's NOX Album:

Since it's been hard for me to find time the lately I haven't been able to do much updating but got a bright idea to Link to Ravenwood's Treehouse... Our favorite couple have been adding stuff to thier family Album and you never know what else you might find there.

--6/9: NOX Website 1 year old!

Nox is much older than the site... (will be 3 years old the end of October) but it is hard to believe this site (and forum) will be 1 year old this month. I've archived everything that I can to reflect our "history" as we know it and anyone can click back on all the old news archives (as well as old forum messages) to track the trials and tribulations we have endured... and the future looks brighter than ever.

--6/4: Hanging Out in the Nox Lounge...

I overheard Kelorf  brewing up a "Tale of Kael" in the Lounge.... and after a few drinks of it decided I'd tapp it into the Commons so everone can get a taste... 
Walking back in I then heard some talk of a trip to PoA ... 
/shout "Bar Keep! Another round for the house....and the Band..."

--5/29: Thrgadin Gate Potion & Know Your Monk:

Two New Guides taken from Post in the Nox Forums by Cerise and Garrobo.

--5/25:  Nyxx's Open Raids Forum:

I've been on one of Nyxx's Raids and it was great, so when I found this forum for sign-ups I thought it would be a good link to add to the Nox site. I see Zisik is heading to PoH Sunday to try and get the final piece of his epic. Good Luck Zisikpus!

--5/25: Screen Shots from CoM:

A Great Time in CoM last night with a nice Nox turnout... and here is a small collection of Screen Shots I managed to get and add to the Raid and Events Archives.


News Archives: 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, Oldest
